
Creative website concept for a travel company
Landing page for credit rating app
Modern landing page for a Gifting Service
Modern landing page for a Gifting Service
Web site identity for a B2B online publisher
Menu structure concept for GuidePoint Media's website
Renoir, presentation
Pierre Auguste Renoir.org design update
Homepage for a subscription underwear service
Website for Web Developement Startup
Redesign for a mobile phone comparison website
Landing page for a computer hardware and virtual reality company


I'm a professional creative and web designer from Central Europe, Hungary, Budapest. I have several years of experience in designing websites, landing pages, corporate identities and illustrations.

Member since: October 08, 2014
Brand guide
Top Level




"Easy to work with, good communication, nice design."
Anonymous client reviewed almost 7 years ago
"Truly the best designer there is on this platform! "
Profile picturedeleted-2265181 reviewed about 7 years ago
"The best west of Budapest! "
Profile picturedeleted-2265181 reviewed about 7 years ago
"Very responsive."
Anonymous client reviewed about 7 years ago
"It was a truly great experience to work with Umbra. Every request was fulfilled and she had a lot of excellent ideas on how to improve the design. Thank you very much - hope to work with you again in the future :-)"
Profile picturechristinewbs reviewed over 7 years ago