
Crowd Shark
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Total Uptime
AXA Jacksonville logo
logo for Playington Solitaire
logo for REDINAS
logo for Sparx Electrical Contractors
Parking App
logo for Earthed Electrical and Data
Colony 22


Please contact me at f**********@*****.com

Member since: September 20, 2010


"Thank you again for tweaking the new Logo I love it"
Profile picturewjrichards713 reviewed about 7 years ago
"The designer does have talent in font design, and that showed clearly. One area for improvement is response time and turn around. "
Profile picturepleonexus reviewed almost 8 years ago
"Excellent Support from FR-Studio"
Anonymous client reviewed almost 8 years ago
"Fitra did an outstanding job of tweaking the logo to our specs after winning the contest. The final version is, we believe, very eye catching and exactly the sort of thing we were looking for. You can see it here: https://skitch.com/tedmann/f6qft/1-snip..."
Profile pictureTed Mann reviewed over 9 years ago
"I am very excited to be using Fr-Studio's design as my logo. Fr-Studio provided quick updates to design feedback and was a pleasure to work with. I was very impressed by the quality of work provided by designers within the 99design network and Fr-Studio..."
Profile pictureEntryPortal reviewed over 9 years ago